Froh Ussicht “gift (toxische Geschenke)” (“poison (toxic gifts)”)

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Exhibition information:

Poison in agriculture is a much discussed topic. Improving yields with less effort has probably been the main goal ever since people first started farming. So it’s not surprising that in the last century, people did not shy away from the large-scale use of poisons to get the edge over their enemies. The production of larger quantities of food has enabled exponential growth of the world population, with ever fewer people employed in agriculture. If that growth is viewed positively, agrochemicals must obviously be interpreted as a gift.

An event by:

Froh Ussicht – Grund


Willimann/Arai, Markus Müller, Pedro Wirz

Performance at the vernissage for Domi Chansorn / Dimitri de Perrot

Programme and special projects

Opening weekend Saturday, 27 May & Sunday, 28 May

SCHAUFENSTER #2 by Domi Chansorn: Live performance in interaction with the environment Idea & Artistic Direction: Dimitri de Perrot, Production Management: Brooke Jackson

Additional farm tours every Sunday at 2 p.m.: 25 June, 27 August, 24 September, 29 October

www.frohussicht.chTarget not accessible

Getting there:
