Exhibition information:
International Outdoor Biennale on the latest trends in land and environmental art with changing themes. 15 national and international submissions with some connection to the landscape are on display as temporary works, most of them exhibited outdoors, which can be visited free of charge.
This year’s exhibition houses 15 art projects in a time of planetary crisis. Be it the economic crisis, the pandemic, war or the climate crisis, one thing is clear: humanity and our way of life on planet Earth is under threat.
The works and projects showcased in Safiental offer commentaries and suggestions; they ask us to think critically about the present, and to come up with alternatives to current developments and upheavals. They examine what our relationship with the Earth actually is, and what we can learn from it.
An event by:
Lara Almarcegui (ES), Badel/Sarbach (CH), Ursula Biemann (CH), Julius von Bismarck (DE), Com&Com (CH), Saskia Edens (CH), Lithic Alliance (CH/BE), Marcus Maeder (CH), !Mediengruppe Bitnik (CH/DE), Dharmendra Prasad (IN), Simon/Odermatt (CH), Steiner/Lenzlinger (CH), BEN Vautier (FR/CH).
Programme and special projects
Public transport
Take an SBB train to Chur, change to the Rhaetian Railway and travel to Versam-Safien station, where you can take a Postbus and travel via Versam to all stations in Safiental. Journey time from Chur: 45 minutes, from Zurich: approx. 2 hours.
By car
Follow the A13 via Chur, take junction 19 towards Bonaduz, and then continue towards Versam, turning left just before you get there, and head on to Safiental. Journey time from Chur: 45 minutes, from Zurich: approx. 1 hour 50.